Total kanda in atharva veda
Total kanda in atharva veda

The Atharva Veda Bhaishajya Yagna will undoubtedly be a window for the younger generation to perceive the ancient rituals in their real splendor. This feature distinguishes Atharva Veda from the rest of Vedas. The Atharva Veda, in which the vedic sacrificial reach their highest culmination, extols yagna as a deity in itself.

#Total kanda in atharva veda series#

Atharva Veda has a series of Mantras related to curing various physical and mental ailments. Ayurveda is regarded as the Upaveda of Atharva Veda which is one among the four Vedas. When the power of medicines and nature against pestilences and diseases weaken illnesses enter human life and the balance of nature is lost. Some of the rituals prescribed in the Atharva Veda have been performed for centuries, and show us that at certain junctures, medicines and herbs were offered for the propitiation of Gods. The Atharva Veda speaks of a number of medicinal plants and their uses. Vedas are the most ancient and authoritative scriptures of Indian Philosophy, Culture & Heritage. ‘Yagna’ means an act directed to the welfare of others done without desiring anything in return, whether of a temporal or spiritual nature. The Atharva Veda Bhaishajya Yagna and the National Seminar “Ātharvanī 2021” have been organised to facilitate the purification of the environment and enlighten our minds with supreme knowledge (Brahmam). Nestled amid acres of greenery, the Ahalia campus is an epitome of well-preserved ecosystem. Holding fast to the principle of keeping the causes for disease at bay, this Pancha divaseeya ‘ Atharva Veda Bhaishajya Yagna’, a powerful five day yagna is performed at the Ahalia campus, for the first time in Kerala.Īhalia Health Heritage & Knowledge Village, Palakkad, situated in serene environment in the valley of Western Ghats, is the largest integrated campus in Kerala. We are happy to inform you that the Atharva Veda Bhaishajya Yagna and National Seminar “Ātharvanī 2021”, is being held in Ahalia Health Heritage & Knowledge Village, Palakkad, between 17 th and 21 st April 2021. For proper therapeutic efficacy of medicine during such times, efforts have to be made to enhance the potency of herbs which can be achieved by yagna, bali etc. The remedies advised by Acharyas include performing yagna, bali etc and observing dharma. Prajnaparadha (intellectual blasphemy) and Adharma (activities contributing to destruction of sustaining principles of life and nature) are its potential causative factors. Most of the concepts of Ayurveda on Janapadodhwamsa are found relevant to current theories of pandemic. The word ‘ Janapadadhwamsa’ comprises of two words ‘ Janapada’ (large population) & ‘ Udhwamsa’ (destruction) which means the diseases affecting a large number of people. In Ayurveda, our Acharyas have mentioned such calamities under the broad heading ‘ Janapadodhwamsa’. The world today is in the middle of an unprecedented global public health crisis.

Total kanda in atharva veda